Friday, January 24, 2014


Whats good whats good?

 It's the one and only DJ Kenny Ken-Neva Sin- But Still Sippin Holy Gin on the 1's and 2's!

Last week we were blessed to have Rell Riley come through as our first interview of the semester. If you missed it, don't fret... you can here it below right now!
Now on to the next! Lets me present what you've all come here for. Next week we will have South Florida's own WILL FONCH comming to the studio LIVE!

William "Tasi" Foncham has a very mature well rounded sound and lacks nothing when it comes to making good music. The Lord has equipped him with the talent to become a 3-dimensional artist from spoken word, singing, to straight up bars! Listen below to his Youtube Vlog series at CaliBallin09 and tell me if I'm lying!

As you can see in the videos Will Fonch is currently in the lab to debut his 1st mixtape "Light Clips". I'm unsure exactly what he has up his sleeve but I'm sure it's gonna be FIRE. Until next week you can stay updated with Will's moves by following him on twitter @MOG_TASI .

Listen to GOODNEWSRADIO every Tuesday 2pm-4pm EST @

Monday, January 13, 2014


Whats good whats good?

It's the one and only DJ Kenny Ken-Neva Sin- But Still Sippin Holy Gin on the 1's and 2's! 

This semester GOODNEWSRADIO has revamped the show with a new DJ's , fresh music, and  interviews from your favorite artist, starting with...drumroll... RELL RILEY!

Rapper Terrel "Rell" Riley has been making music since he was 12 years old. Living in a fallen world like the rest of us he was misled and used his gifts for self glorification. However when he was saved in 2009, he turned the focus off his talent to glorify the kingdom of God by making Christian Hip Hop. Since then his unique style has grown and continues to grow on his latest EP "New World" released last November.

As matter of fact his nickname derived from writing,recording,producing, and mixing his own music right from home thus creating Riley Style Records. As a pastor, CEO, and leader for his community you won't want to miss this interview next Tuesday January 21st.

Listen to GOODNEWSRADIO every Tuesday 2pm-4pm EST @